
CanopyClan is the least traditional of the five Clans, readily welcoming outsiders into their ranks. They tend to be especially creative, taking unconventional routes to problem-solving, possibly because of their diversity. Cats from CanopyClan tend to have medium builds and strong legs, built for climbing and leaping between trees. Other Clans tend to see them as odd and not particularly focused on the Code.

BoltClan are known for their boldness and bravery, something they often take to a fault. They tend to take more risks, both in hunting and in battle, but this usually pays off for them. Apprentices tend to be very impulsive, while their warriors are usually aware of their limits and experienced due to their adventerous apprenticehoods. These cats are typically sturdy, but light-footed. They're often seen as a bit nosy, brash, and judgemental, though to their credit, they tend to try to keep an open mind.

ShoreClan has the largest and most plentiful territory on the island, and cats in ShoreClan don't tend to want for much. Outside of leafbare, their focus tends to be much more on celebration than survival. They ten to value aesthetics, with well-groomed fur and decorated nests. This Clan is made of talented swimmers, and they don't shy away from boasting their skill. Cats from other Clans--especially HazeClan--often see them as entitled and vain.

HazeClan are gritty and especially warlike compared to other Clans. Their territory is often scarce, making their warriors resilient and resourceful. These cats tend to be especially strong, and often bear scars for their unusually intense battle training. They have a very strong sense of Clan loyalty and pride, and it's rare to see their warriors express anything but admiration for their Clan and its history. HazeClan is often seen as very intimidating, and few are eager to pick a fight with them.

GaleClan are sensible and focused, putting much less stock in Clan politics than the others. They aren't particularly proud, but they are deeply loyal and comitted to their Clan. These cats are adaptable and thrive despite their territory's volatility. GaleClan warriors often have very specialized skills, like being good builders or excellent trackers. Most are extremely fast, something often attributed to their wiry builds and long legs. Other Clans often view their dislike of conflict to be a show of fear.